Accurate information for all geographical places

Billions of Geo-features to ensure a world wide coverage of all places you can imagine with their shapes and information. Click on the markers to load an example!

3 Billion
50 +
200 +

Geospatial information

Instantly receive geospatial information such as weather, car traffic, foot traffic/busy score, news and many more information with just one single request.

Accurate up-to-date world coverage

We aggregate data from multiple open-source and official platforms, such as OpenStreetMap and governmental data, which we update daily.

Integrate your own data

You can integrate your data into Cartesius via API or the Cartesius Dashboard to use it with every available tool. With this, you can easily put your data into context of billions of Geo-features and use it with all Cartesius Features such as geocoding!

Multiple formats

Next to standard GeoJSON, we also deliver WKT, geohashes and vector tiles to fit every use case.


Search and receive what3words for easy and efficient Geo-referencing

Ready to set your data into context of 3 Billion Geo-features?Start for free, no credit card required!